Sports Massage
Remedial Massage
Relaxing Massage
Indian Head Massage
Lymphatic Drainage Massage
Stress Relief
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All types of massage
£55/1 hour
£35/30 min
Facial massage helps promote healthy skin while relaxing your facial muscles. It has a relaxing and rejuvenating effect, helping you look and feel better.
Where minor injuries and lesions occur, due to overexertion and/or overuse, massage can break them down quickly and effectively.
involves working and acting on the body with pressure – structured, unstructured, stationary, or moving – tension, motion, or vibration, done manually or with mechanical aids. Target tissues may include muscles, tendons, ligaments, fascia, skin, joints, or other connective tissue, as well as lymphatic vessels, or organs of the gastrointestinal system. Massage can be applied with the hands, fingers, elbows, knees, forearm, or feet.
It doesn't seem sufficient to say that a good Indian head massage will relax you. It's more than this. It can make you feel detached and serene, leave you sighing and wordless, but also alert and clear-headed, alleviating brain-fog and stress.
is essentially the same as a gentle Swedish massage that uses smooth, gliding strokes.
It doesn't seem sufficient to say that a good Indian head massage will relax you. It's more than this. It can make you feel detached and serene, leave you sighing and wordless, but also alert and clear-headed, alleviating brain-fog and stress.
During a relaxation massage there is less emphasis on working out serious adhesions or knots in the muscle tissue and the therapist won't push your pain limits in order to get the muscle to release.
is a treatment modality that manipulates the soft tissues of the body including movement for a specific therapeutic effect, rather than a general therapeutic effect
is a deep massage done by a trained massage therapist, to create the conditions for the body’s return to normal health after injury or with muscular-skeletal disorders. It is used to treat chronic muscular-skeletal imbalances, strains, sprains, broken bones, bruising or any injury where the skin is intact
The prime purpose of sports massage therapy is to help alleviate the stress and tension which builds up in the body’s soft tissues during physical activity.
Where minor injuries and lesions occur, due to overexertion and/or overuse, massage can break them down quickly and effectively.
Sports massage tends to be deeper and more intense. It is based on the various elements of massage and often incorporates a combination of other techniques involving stretching, compression, friction, toning, and trigger point response techniques similar to Acupressure